DIY Sick Pops (for kids and adults)

Over the flu season, we managed to catch most of what was going around, luckily nothing major. We had an abundance of sore throats, dry coughs and general feeling like crap, going around.

I always drink a hot lemon, honey concoction when I am feeling sick, especially over the past few years, as I have mostly been pregnant and can’t take much for anything.

This year I transformed that tea into something I could freeze and give to the kids, in ice block (popsicle) form.

We call them sick pops, and the kids thought they were a treat and even if they don’t work, they kept them happy and the placebo effect definitely worked. “I feel much better now mum,” my 4 year old told me after his sick pop.

Here’s how I made them: (I don’t measure I just wing it, so I will attempt measurements for you, but please don’t hold me to them. It’s all really to taste anyway).

What you need:

  • 6 ice block containers
  • about a cup of boiled water, maybe more (please don’t burn yourself)
  • cayenne pepper
  • ground turmeric
  • ground ginger
  • half a lemon
  • half an orange
  • about a cup of apple juice (or less)
  • a jug to mix in

What I did:

  • I took my boiled water and poured it into my jug. I gave a light sprinkle of cayenne pepper and a generous sprinkle of ginger and turmeric.
  • I squeezed the juice of half a lemon and half and orange into the jug, (catch the seeds). I stirred that up a bit.
  • Then I added the apple juice. I tasted it after this to see if I needed more juice. I wanted my kids to eat these so wanted them to taste decent.
  • Then I poured my mixture into my ice block containers, sealed them up and put them in the freezer.
  • They should be good to go in about 4 hours, but overnight is best.

These were a success. Lemon juice, cayenne pepper, ginger and turmeric are all great for colds. The natural orange juice adds vitamin C and the apple juice makes it taste great. The boiled water helps everything dissolve together. This is actually great as a hot tea too for you. That’s where I got the idea.

*Variations* Try replacing or adding honey, cinnamon, or brewing a chamomile tea bag in the boiled water for a bit too.

These are great to have on hand, so make a bunch up before the flu gets you.

Cheers, Megan Lovell.

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